Where: TBD
SAVE THE DATE: September 4, 2025
Times: Noon - 8:00pm
Come showcase your products and services to the community, and meet other Veterans, Community Leaders, and Veteran Friendly Organizations.
This initiative is created "By Veterans, For Veterans" and is the first event of its kind in the State of Ohio.
Visit www.vetohioexpo.com for more information.
The first inaugural VET-OHIO EXPO was held on September 9, 2021 and was an overwhelming success. We had 40 Exhibitors attend the event and the public had an opportunity to meet some of our amazing veteran owned businesses that support us right here in our communities.
Veteran business owners have served their country and continue to serve in their communities and this is one small way to recognize them and give them the support they deserve! Save the Date for the next event!!
Support our Troops, Support Our Veterans!!

Think Veterans First now Think Veterans First will host BUY VETERAN WEEK, November 1 - November 8, 2024. During this time, we honor our Veteran Owned Businesses and ask YOU the Public to "Think, Shop, Buy Veteran".
This week is specifically designed to promote Veteran Owned Businesses! Veterans have served their country with honor and distinction, and continue to serve in their communities after service! They deserve our support!!
Please support your Veteran Owned Businesses. If you are looking for a business to support, visit: www.veteranownedbusiness.com.
For more information on Think Veterans Firsteran Week, please contact Regina Rembert, CEO Veterans First at (614)354-2261 or [email protected]
We thank you for your support!! Visit us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!
Support our Troops, Support our Veterans!!