![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Commander’s Report 1st Vice Commander 2nd Vice Application Wanted Chaplain’ Corner American Legion Auxiliary Americanism Department Mid_Winter Conference American Legion Baseball Indy Team 48 Book Sale – Buckeye For Sale Events Subscriptions eNewsletter DeadlineJanuary 2021 Issue 81 ![]() Operational Note – Click on the link in the upper right hand corner “View this email in your browser” to get larger print, to forward and to access past issues.12th District Winter ConferenceDue to the Pandemic, the 12th District Council Winter conference will not be held at the Young Budd Post 171 in Westerville. We will be doing a Conference on-line with ZOOM. I will be opening the ZOOM Meeting at noon (about 10 to 15 minutes before) for any SAL member who would like to join us and then hold it open for the Legion Conference at 1:00 PM . Below is the information on how to join the Conference: 12th District is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: 12th District Winter Conference Time: Jan 10, 2021 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84237264400 Meeting ID: 842 3726 4400 One tap mobile +19292056099,,84237264400# US (New York) +13017158592,,84237264400# US (Washington D.C) Dial by your location +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington D.C) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) Meeting ID: 842 3726 4400 Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kecxV90g Steve Ebersole Editor ![]() Happy New Year to all. Hope this news letter finds you well. It’s been a tough year but hope is on the way it will be great to get back to some normal business. So maintain your distance, wear a mask and stay safe. Now that the holidays are behind us its time to get back to Legion business. Department Mid-Winter Dates has changed to March 12th – 14th. 12th District Mid-Winter Jan. 10th will be a ZOOM meeting, information will be sent out. Because of the virus and us not meeting Steve 12th District secretary has the AG tests he’ll be taking care of getting results out to Department and Posts. I feel he is well qualified for doing so. Special Olympics is now in with the Departments Children and Youth Committee. Membership we made the 80% target date of Jan. 21st. Next target date is Feb. 10th 85%. If we as a District put a little time in membership we can accomplish it. We only need to get 667 members to achieve the goal of Quota. I congratulate Post 1, 486,799 and 800 for getting Quota, Great Job. On a very serious issue we need many District Officers and Committee personnel. We need a 2nd Vice now. Time is running out we can not go into next year with just a Commander! As of right now we have 2918 paid members people lets got these positions filled. It’s a learning process there has to be people willing to take a District Office asked your Post body. Thanks and be Safe see you on ZOOM For God and CountryRick Garren Commander American Legion Department of Ohio 12th District1st Vice Commander ![]() Tom Poulton 1st Vice Commander American Legion, Department of Ohio, 12th District Council2nd Vice Applications Wanted We are looking for applications for candidates for 2nd Vice Commander for the American Legion 12th District for the years 2021-2022 (or for the next election whenever that may be).. Applicants must be members of an American Legion Post within the 12th District and preferably, have held a leadership office within a post. If you would like to put your name in as a candidate, please email your notice to Steve Ebersole or leave a voicemail at (614)224-2900. ![]() Chaplain’s CornerHappy New Year, Legionnaires,Let us start this new year with a positive attitude, thanking God for all his blessings, and strengthen our faith in each other and that God will guard us throughout the year.American Legion, our programs, ideals, and actions were founded on the principles of the good Samaritan. You can find the story in the Bible in the book of Luke, chapter 10, verse 25 through 37.Not only do Posts raise funds, provide food for not only Veterans but their community, give financial help, and companionship. There are countless untold stories of individual Legionnaires doing the same thing from just making a phone call (buddy calls), offering rides, helping a neighbor, or just being there when a fellow Veteran, neighbor, or friend needs a friendly ear. That is what we are about, so I say let’s double down and show the rest of the Country and the World just exactly what the American Veteran is made of.In this new year, we also need to stand up in work and to reverse the damage that the covert Socialists has inflicted on our Country over the past decades. We need to take back our schools, take back our economy and take back our Republic. So, let us keep in mind that the Bible says in Galatians 5:1, “stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free, and it being not entangled again with the yoke of bondage”.This simply means denounce the Socialist agenda that will lead only to destroying our Country.A Prayer for you:Father, we come to you, humble children seeking guidance as we endeavor to find ways to fulfill our promise to serve You and our Country. Bless all that we do and say, make us truly instruments of your will as we serve You. We ask for your comfort and peace and your blessing of good health and safety. Father, we ask that You bless the doctors and nurses who tend to the sick, and give wisdom to researchers, hone their skills, and sharpen their minds that they might find the cure for this disease and others that cause death and suffering. Amen.I will be working with District Secretary Steve Ebersole to put together Virtual presentations broadcasts for you.Upcoming events: Four Chaplains” Ceremony for 2O21 will be a virtual broadcast with the tentative date of Sunday February 7th, 2021. More information and time will be posted on the District website, www.alohio12.orgPost Everlasting Ceremony will be held in March 2021 and may be a virtual broadcast as well. More information to be posted on the District website.Post Everlasting:Tullie Richmond, Post 171William “Randy” Henry, Post Commander 465Joyce Nimitz, Post 798Bill McLaughlin, Post 797God Bless You and Your Families, 12th District Chaplain Carl Bradley ![]() AuxiliaryCOLUMBUS VA JANUARY 2021 The Holiday Veterans event was a great success; many changes but the veterans really appreciated the staff and volunteers making the holidays brighter for their families. The VA facility is hoping to announce the new VAVS Chief/Public Affairs appointment soon. Our February “Salute to Veteran Patients” week is in the planning stages. Each day of the week of February 14th will see displays, hand-outs and recognition of our veteran patients. This of course will be a “scaled down” program but staff/volunteers will do their best to greet our veterans with a “masked smile” and a something special. Covid 19 vaccinations have begun at the facility; watch for updates on the facility Facebook page. Cheryl SmithChief Hosp. Rep. ![]() AmericanismHappy New Year 12th District Friends and Family,I hope and trust that everyone had a great Christmas and New Years Eve. I hope everyone celebrated safely. As we all know, 2020 brought changes and surprises unlike any seen before. With Mid-Winter being postponed until March it does change a few things that would normally happen. However, one thing that will not change is the judging of the department A&G. the A&G judging will take place on January 23 @ 10:00am at Department HQ. Boys State Delegate lists and payments are due by February 15th, however being that COVID-19 is still a major issue department will be flexible. For all the posts who will be sending delegates please start talking with your school counselors to start building your list of candidates.I wish everyone an incredibly happy and prosperous new year.“For God and Country”Tom Rowe Americanism ChairpersonThe Ohio Department Mid-Winter Conference Postponed! The Department has officially postponed the Mid-Winter Conference to March 12th-14th, 2021. This Conference will support the business of the Department Committees and Department Executive Committee (DEC). The DEC will meet on Sunday, March 14th at the Crowne Plaza and not on Sunday March 27th. All of this is dependent on the status of the Pandemic. ![]() For any additional information contact 12th District Council Baseball Chairman, Michael Higgins through his email. Michael Higgins Baseball Chairman American Legion 12th District CouncilAmerican Legion Baseball ![]() Buddy Checks This Month? ![]() District Historian, Pete Margaritis is offering, for sale, his newly released history of the district and the posts of Central Ohio. For information on how to obtain this dynamic documentation on the Capital 12th District contact the district office at (614)224-2900 or via email at [email protected]. The district thanks Pete for all of his hard work on this book.For Sale The American Legion 12th District has 8 cemetery plots for sale at Forest Lawn Memorial Gardens. For more information contact the 12th District Executive Secretary through email or at (614)224-2900. ![]() Events Check 12th District Web site for District Events January 10, 2021 – 12th District Virtual Winter Conference at 1:00 PM Many posts are meeting and/or are open for business, even if under new policies. To find out more on how to contact your local post go to our website. The National Veterans Memorial and Museum is now OPEN. Click here for more information. eNewsletter SubscriptionsAnyone wanting to subscribe to this newsletter can go to our web site (link below). If you want to share future newsletters with a friend or someone in your post or other Legion Family units go to the subscription form at our web site. Any post officer that would like to send a list of recipients to editor can do so. The easiest way is in a spreadsheet or a list with the Email address, First Name, Last Name, separated by commas. Send the list to Editor’s Email below.www.alohio12.orgJoin us on the American Legion, 12th District Web Site. News Deadline Next eNewsletter will be sent out the first week in February 2021 with the content due into the editor by January 29, 2021. Does your post have any upcoming events or past events of interest to Central Ohio? Editorials are always welcomed. All events and editorials should be sent to the Editor below prior to the last week of each month. Editorials should be on a subject of interest involving military, veterans and military & veteran’s families. Submitted material will be selected solely at the discretion of the editor. Please submit all materials to the Editor’s Email below. Editor’s EmailCopyright © 2021 American Legion, 12th District Council, Department of Ohio, All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the express written permission of the Editor. Opinions expressed by authors are their own and do not necessarily represent those of either the Editor or the 12th District Council. You are on this list as an active military member, veteran, family member or someone interested in supporting this group. Our mailing address is: American Legion, 12th District Council, Department of Ohio280 E. Broad St.Columbus, OH 43215 Add us to your address book unsubscribe from this list update subscription preferences … [Message clipped] View entire message |
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