View this email in your browser![]() Commander’s Report 1st Vice Commander 2nd Vice Application Wanted Chaplain’ Corner American Legion Auxiliary Americanism Special Flag Retirement – Post 614 Missing In America Project Mission Franklin County Veterans Service Commission American Legion Sponsors Racing Team 48 Ohio Veterans Hall of Fame M.A.S.H Pantry Fundraiser Worthington Post 239 in the News December 2020 Issue 80 ![]() Book Sale – Buckeye For Sale Events Subscriptions eNewsletter DeadlineOperational Note – Click on the link in the upper right hand corner “View this email in your browser” to get larger print, to forward and to access past issues.From the Editor This is the last newsletter of the year and even though we have had a crazy year with most of us sheltering at home there is a lot of information here. From the news of sponsoring Jimmie Johnson’s Indy Car #48, to the clothing hand-out information from the Franklin County Veteran’s Service Commission and the Ohio Veterans Hall of Fame interviews from the Ohio Department of Veterans Services. From the Columbus VA Christmas Party Drive-thru to the Missing In America Project mission to honor seven previously forgotten Ohio veterans. Also, for more information on our activities in central Ohio please go to the American Legion’s National Award winning Web Site at The end of another year and it has been my privilege to continue my service to the veterans, military and their families of central Ohio. This holiday season let us never forget those still serving this great nation both at home and abroad. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and may everyone have a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year. Steve Ebersole Editor ![]() Hello and best wishes to all. I’m setting here on Thanksgiving moaning. Usually the house would be full with our 3 kids and 10 grand kids. I’m not going to lie I’m already missing it all, but these are not normal times we’re in. Hopefully next year will be a more normal time. I am thankful my family has done will so far and hope yours has also. My Post 144 hosted the VA Thanksgiving drive thru. They had 490 boxes made up and we handed out 450. Membership: I know that this is a busy time for all of us. But when youget a few minutes make a couple of calls, buddy check, wish them a Happy Thanksgiving or Merry Christmas, see if they are doing well. With December here that means HOHO time. Hope all has a great Christmas or Holiday and a Happy New Year. So here’s to Peace onEarth and Goodwill to all. Keep our Brothers and Sisters away from homein your prayers. Be Blessed and SafeFor God and Country Rick Garren Commander American Legion Department of Ohio 12th District1st Vice Commander ![]() Tom Poulton 1st Vice Commander American Legion, Department of Ohio, 12th District Council2nd Vice Applications Wanted We are looking for applications for candidates for 2nd Vice Commander for the American Legion 12th District for the years 2021-2022 (or for the next election whenever that may be).. Applicants must be members of an American Legion Post within the 12th District and preferably, have held a leadership office within a post. If you would like to put your name in as a candidate, please email your notice to Steve Ebersole or leave a voicemail at (614)224-2900. ![]() Chaplain’s Corner Merry Christmas Legionnaires, As the phrase goes, Jesus is the reason for the season. Let’s keep Jesus and his teachings in our hearts and minds throughout the year. We celebrate his birth this month. And we celebrate that he was sent from God to free us from our sins. In the Bible, the books of Matthew and Luke tell us the story of the birth of Jesus. Matthew chapter 1 verses 18-25 His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be pregnant through the Holy Spirit. Because Joseph her husband was faithful to the law, and yet did not want to expose her to public disgrace, he had in mind to divorce her quietly but an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, “Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.” All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet: “The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel” (which means “God with us”). You can read the story in Matthew 1:1-17, Luke 2:1-7, Luke 2:11-14 and Luke 3:21-38, Matthew 2:1-12. These are from the KJV.Let us keep our faith strong and close to our Lord, love your family and friends pray with them and for them because there is evil in our world. It exists in the form of groups, people, and governments that wish us harm.God will show us the way to go. We have overcome these ideas and people before. Let us keep our nation that the Lord gave us. The Lord said KJV Genesis 12:2 “And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:” William Penn wrote: “Man must choose to be governed by God or condemn themself to be ruled by tyrants.” I wish you all a very merry Christmas and pray that you will have good health and safety in your family. Please keep us informed of members who are ill or have passed. God bless you and The United States of America.12th District Chaplain Carl Bradley TAPSWilliam McLoughlin – Gahanna Post 797 – December 2, 2020. May they rest in Peace. ![]() Auxiliary Hello 12th District, This is the last newsletter of 2020. I could give you dates to remember, reminders and such but I’m not. Instead I want to tell all of you how proud I am of all of you for everything you have done this year. It has been a hard year for everyone but you all stood strong. As long as we stand together and keep that love in our hearts we can do anything. Thank you! Wishing you all safe and happy Holidays! For God and Country God Bless Ann Garren President, 12th District Auxiliary COLUMBUS VA DECEMBER 2020 The Thanksgiving event was a success even with the changes due to “Covid”; feedback from our veterans was positive. As of November 30th the Veterans Family Holiday event is scheduled for Saturday, December 12th at the Columbus VA facility from 10am – 2pm. The large blue tent on the north side of the building will accommodate 2 lanes of “drive-thru” vehicles. Toys and treats for children attending will be given out by volunteers/staff. No one will be allowed out of their respective vehicles to keep the line moving. Regards, Cheryl SmithChief Hosp. Rep. ![]() Americanism Happy December 12th District Family, A&G has wrapped up, election day has come and gone and now it’s on to other things. Christmas is right around the corner, there are families who are in need both veteran and non-veteran alike. A hallmark of being an American (Americanism) is to help those less fortunate. One never knows when or if we may be the ones less fortunate. Let us not forget those who serve in far away lands to ensure our security and freedoms as they are hero’s. Let us lift up and fully support our Law enforcement, Fire and Rescue and all medical workers for they too are hero’s and all of whom uphold the highest standards of Americanism. Below is a link to the story of General George Washington and his men and the harrowing winter at Valley Forge. I had at least one ancestor who served under Washington and wintered with him at Valley Forge. That ancestor wrote home letters begging for blankets shoes coats anything that would help keep him and his fellow soldiers warm. The letters spoke of men suffering from severe starvation and extreme frostbite. Frostbite so bad that their fingers, hands, toes, and feet would turn black and die. Those same appendages would either fall off or snap off at the brushing against a tree or the hastily built cabins, with that soldier not even knowing it until they either fell or by some other circumstance. There are many who have such writings in their family, maybe even yours. Washington at Valley Forge: Americanism has many definitions however I believe the following truly sums up the term Americanism. Americanism: Americanism is a set of United States patriotic values aimed at creating a collective American Identity, and can be defined as “ an articulation of the nation’s rightful place in the world, a set of traditions, a political language, and a cultural style imbued with political meaning”. Blessings to all, “For God and Country” Tom Rowe Americanism Chairperson Special Flag Retirement Sunday, December 13, 2020 at 3 PM EST Public · Hosted by Howland Rotary Club Online with Facebook Live Join us as we retire more than 500 US flags that decorated the Howland community in the Rotary’s 2020 Fly the Flag program, as well as flags from the William R. Schnug American Legion Post flag retirement drop box (Eagle project). The flags will be retired by the Howland Scout Troop 28/122. Please join us on December 13th on Facebook Live to be part of our special ceremony. ![]() Missing In America Project The Ohio Missing In America Project will be interring seven (7) previously forgotten veterans at Dayton National Cemetery on Thursday, December 10. For more information on this mission please see the press release below. The purpose of the MIA Project is to locate, identify and inter the unclaimed cremated remains of American veterans through the joint efforts of private, state and federal organizations. To provide honor and respect to those who have served this country by securing a final resting place for these forgotten heroes. The Missing in America Veterans Recovery Program (MIAP) is a Federal recognized Non-Profit Veterans Organization for the identification, location, verification, and movement of Veterans and their Dependents. For more information you can contact Steve Ebersole, The Ohio MIAP State Coordinator at [email protected] or you can select the “More MIAP Information” link below. Ohio MIAP Mission – December 2020More MIAP Information ![]() Greetings, We want to make you aware of a new program designed to provide winter clothing for those at or below 250% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines. Those eligible for the program will receive a $100 gift card to Meijer to cover purchase of a coat, gloves and hat. Gift cards will be mailed, so it is important the applicant provide an address where they can safely receive mail. Program Includes: Veteran Spouse Eligible Dependents Surviving Spouses Eligibility: Income at or below 250% of Federal Poverty Guideline based on family size Franklin County resident for a minimum of 90 days Veteran meets requirements of Ohio Revised Code 5901 How to Apply: E-mail application and documents to [email protected] Fax application and documents to 614-525-2505Drop Box – Place application and documents in the drop box inside 280 E. Broad Street Required Documentation: Veteran Status Verification— DD Form 214 (First Time Applicants)Household income (award letter, current year tax return or two recent pay stubs)Marriage Certificate (for spouses/surviving spouses)Death Certificate (for surviving spouse)Birth Certificates for minor children in the home Our staff continues to operate remotely and we are accepting applications for assistance for Rent Mortgage Utilities Food School Supplies Please let me know if you have any questions. MATTHEW ZELNIK Director of Community Outreach Franklin County Veterans Service Commission 280 E Broad St Rm 100 Columbus OH 43215 614-525-2504 – Office Winter Clothing Application ![]() ![]() James P. Schear, Navy, Stark County (Dec. 1) David M. Ridenour, Army, Wood County (Dec. 3) Connie Pillich, Air Force, Hamilton County (Dec. 8) Carolyn E. Nagy, Army, Lucas County (Dec. 10) David G. Meyer, PhD, PE, Air Force, Montgomery County (Dec. 15) Jane M. Lengel, Army/OHARNG, Franklin County (Dec. 17) David C. Lange, Navy, Carroll County (Dec. 22) Babe Kwasniak, Army, Cuyahoga County (Dec. 24) Daniel R. Kirkpatrick, Air Force, Greene County (Dec. 29) James D. Kaster, Army, Cuyahoga County (Dec. 31) Thomas J. Jenks, Army, Cuyahoga County (Jan. 5) Kenneth P. Jakubec, Marine Corps, Mahoning County (Jan. 7) Glenn H. Grismere, Army, Warren County (Jan. 12) William C. Graybill, Army, Brown County (Jan. 14) Kimberly D. Frisco, Air Force, Greene County (Jan. 19) Timothy A. Espich, Army/OHARNG, Clark County (Jan. 21) Richard D. Ellsworth, Army, Licking County (Jan. 26) Paul G. Butler, Navy, Clinton County (Jan. 28)Note: The Class of 2020 also includes posthumous inductee David W. Chilson, a Navy veteran from Wood County.Remember, bios for all 20 class members, additional information on the Hall of Fame and past inductees – able to be sorted by class, by county, and alphabetically – can be found at ![]() M.A.S.H. Pantry and Resource Center Fundraiser It’s our 1st charity auction which starts on 12/10/2020 at 8am EST and will end on 12/14/2020 at 11pm EST. M.A.S.H. provides crucial support to our American Veterans, Military families, and Survivors. MASH does not receive any government funding. We depend solely on Community support 100% by generous people like you and I! To register and bid go to: Call Elaine 1-614-800-1516 if you have any questions. We sincerely appreciate what you do for M.A.S.H. With warm regards, Elaine Flower and Amber Hudson Founders M.A.S.H. Pantry and Resource Center Leasure-Blackston Post 239 – Worthington OH ![]() ![]() |
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